How to: trip on mushrooms
What should I expect?
Mushrooms can provide a gentle, fun, and seemingly mystical experience in moderate to high doses, but they can also be challenging, full of shame and unresolved grief.
Symptoms may include: giggly, euphoric, awestruck of the people and things around you, energized and excited.
Trip Timeline
- Come up: First two hours
- Peak: Around three to four hours after ingesting
- Come down slowly: From hours four to six, generally
“Psilocybin is certainly not an escape from reality… But mushrooms do often offer dramatically new perspectives on [life] that can help folks live more authentic and fulfilled lives moving forward.”
How long does it last?
Typically the whole experience lasts around 4-8 hours, with an average 6 hours for most individuals. Effects start to set in around 45 minutes to an hour after consumption.
How much should I take?
1 gram (1000mg) is typically the “trip point” for most individuals. However, everyone’s tolerance is different and even the type of mushroom can change the effects felt per dose.
1g-4g is a traditional Macrodose, doses 5g or more are heroic doses meant for therapeutic settings.
The “heroic dose” – five grams of dried (psilocybe cubensis) mushrooms- coined by Terence McKenna in the 1980s, is an extra high dose that projects individuals on a transendial journey.
Trips in these doses enable users to reach different dimensions of the non physical world and tap into their subconscious mind. Everyone’s tolerance is different and every dosage offers different experiences, however, we may not always like what we are shown. Some have been faced with deep, unresolved conflicts and trauma, finding relief and understanding through the process.
Tip: We suggest starting low and going slow and to take at least 45 minutes between doses to be sure you’re not taking too much before your peak.
Your set & setting
Setting stage and mindset for your trip are important for a pleasurable experience. Take time before your journey to write down your intentions, expectations and goals both spiritually and psychologically.
Make sure you feel comfortable in your trip space, maybe outdoor access if you plan to stay inside. Music can be very influential and it may be beneficial to have room for dancing.
What if things go wrong?
Challenging feelings may arise, as psychedelics have a tendency to bubble up repressed memories and emotions. Thankfully, there are some steps to help us through these imperative events.
- Breathe: Consider exhaling for longer than you inhale if challenges arise, noticing tension release as you do.
- Accept: Guides in psychedelic clinical trials often advise voyagers to surrender to the experience, especially if it’s challenging.
- Change the scenery: If possible, switch up the setting by moving from one room to another. It can also help to go from indoors to outdoors (or vice versa).
- Distraction: Psychonauts know that negative thought loops are a possibility while tripping, so they prepare activities or distractions to help if they arise. Try painting, journaling, documentaries or dancing.
- Reach Out: Human connection or even just physical touch can help lift you out of a negative place. A trip sitter, an experienced guide, or a psychedelic retreat may be helpful if you think negative emotions will dominate your trip.
Are there any risks?
Psilocybin in its raw forms can be very hard on our stomachs so nausea is common in doses of all sizes. Tea’s and citric acids can be helpful in these cases.
Individuals with a family history of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders are not advised to macrodosing mushrooms. It is important to do your own research before any trip.
Mush love and happy travels!